SERVICERadiation Safety and Protection

Any radiation exposure poses a potential risk to all involved in the process. Radiation protection aims to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure with a goal to minimize the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. The purpose of radiation protection is to provide an appropriate level of protection for humans without unduly limiting the beneficial actions giving rise to radiation exposure. Radiation protection is to prevent the occurrence of harmful deterministic effects and to reduce the probability of occurrence of stochastic effects (e.g. cancer and hereditary effects).

Health Care Team

Institution’s radiation safety department is responsible for educating and enforcing protective strategies. Protocol development and education strategies have been effective in multiple specialties. Radiographers are provided with fluoroscopy suites containing ceiling-suspended lead acrylic shields, which can reduce doses to the head and neck by a factor of 10. Physical radiation shielding can be accomplished with different forms of
personal protective equipment (PPE).

The ILO (International Labour organization) of EL Nova Innovation encourages and promotes the active involvement of employers’ and workers’ in the development of international standards on occupational radiation protection and in the implementation of the occupational radiation standards at both the national and enterprise levels. We operate through a network of labour inspection, labour administration and OSH (occupational
safety health) specialists at headquarters and in the field, as well as with project managers at global and country levels. Our support includes assistance in the scoping and design of new development cooperation initiatives, the provision of technical and administrative support and guidance to ongoing projects, as well as the capitalization of experiences and good practice, with a focus on developing countries.
